Handle A Bad Boss Like a Pro

(Even If He Hates You)

You’ve heard the phrase, “When the going get’s tough, the tough get going.” Well that applies to managing up with a tough boss. Don’t just sit there. This is your opportunity to take the high road and role model good behavior (assuming, of course that your boss’s behavior is tolerable and requires occasional upward coaching or “tune-ups”).

When stress or frustration mount, poorly trained bosses can morph from morning charmers to nervous wrecks in minutes. Taming your office tyrant techniques to the rescue.

My book, Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job, details 20 specific bad boss traits, an analysis of each, do’s and don’ts for each, real anecdotes and a special section for management on creating a humanized workplace. Readers report tremendous success in deploying “parenting up without patronizing” techniques to mitigate childish behavior in the workplace, be it a bad boss or colleague.

Recently I contributed to an article by BusinessInsider’s Jacquelyn Smith that deals with bosses who may be difficult and “secretly” hate you. You don’t know exactly where you stand, but you know it’s not good. The article, titled, 21 Signs Your Boss Secretly Hates You is a useful read for both employees and bosses. Follow the above link to read more. For some tried and true solutions, visit my Amazon book page and check out: www.TameYourTOT.com.

You can handle a bad boss like a pro. Let’s get going!